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Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕFM Gerapetritis: Greek foreign policy in the Middle East is a policy...

FM Gerapetritis: Greek foreign policy in the Middle East is a policy of principles

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Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis reiterated that the Greek foreign policy in the Middle East is a policy of principles, international law and national interest, in an interview with the Sunday newspaper VIMA. Greece has a very important international capital. “It has been won with the consistent, sincere and undivided position that we have followed in the last years and that’s the reason why we can be credible interlocutors not only for the countries of the region but for all the governments and the international organisations and this is what we will continue to do. Our position is the same and in Ukraine and in the Middle East.

It is a stance of principle. We are against any aggressiveness and any revisionism”. Gerapetritis also clarified that Greece will not get involved in any war conflict and in parallel will do whatever possible to have a creative and active diplomacy aiming to reduce the tension and restore peace in the Middle East and in Ukraine.

Speaking on crisis in the Middle East, Gerapetritis noted that from the first moment Greece held a crystal clear position “Any terror action, any violent action any inhumane treatment should be condemned by all and entirely. We also said that the civilians should be protected and humanitarian channels should be created in order for the humanitarian aid to get into Gaza and people to have access to the essential goods”.

In parallel, he reassured that Greece is, even today, continuing the efforts, with constant contacts with the Arab world and with Israel, “to ensure that the civilians will be protected and for the biggest possible humanitarian aid to reach the stricken, mostly in Gaza” and this will continue to be Greece’s stance” adding that “the dead do not have nationality”.


Τα άρθρα που δημοσιεύονται στο flight.com.gr εκφράζουν τους συντάκτες τους
κι όχι απαραίτητα τον ιστότοπο. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση χωρίς γραπτή
έγκριση. Σε αντίθετη περίπτωση θα λαμβάνονται νομικά μέτρα. Ο ιστότοπος
διατηρεί το δικαίωμα ελέγχου των σχολίων, τα οποία εκφράζουν μόνο το συγγραφέα

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