European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday said that the withdrawal of Turkish exploratory vessels from the eastern Mediterranean was “a positive step” during her “State of the Union” speech at the European Parliament on Wednesday. She underlined, however, that Turkey must “refrain from unilateral actions.”
“Turkey is and will always be an important neighbour. But while we are close together on the map, the distance between us appears to be growing. Yes, Turkey is in a troubled neighbourhood. And yes, it is hosting millions of refugees, for which we support them with considerable funding. But none of this is justification for attempts to intimidate its neighbours,” she said.
“Turkey is very close to us on the map but the distance is getting bigger. It hosts millions of refugees and we are offering significant amount of money to support the effort but nothing can justify the effort to blackmail its neighbours and the EU state members, Greece and Cyprus should always count on full sollidarity” she said.
“Our Member-States, Cyprus and Greece, can always count on Europe’s full solidarity on protecting their legitimate sovereignty rights,” the European Commission president emphasised.
Ursula von der Leyen: Withdrawal of Turkish vessels a positive step but unilateral actions must stop
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