13 C
Κυριακή, 5 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
EnglishThe TAP pipeline is a milestone for the energy security of Greece...

The TAP pipeline is a milestone for the energy security of Greece and SE Europe, Hatzidakis says

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. Natural gas from the TAP pipeline will start to be supplied to the country, through DEPA, by the end of the year, Environment and Energy Μinister Kostis Hatzidakis said on Tuesday, in statements welcoming the completion of the preparations for the pipeline on Greek territory.

Hatzidakis specifically stated the following:

“We are looking forward to the start of the delivery of commercial quantities of gas to the Greek market and specifically to DEPA under the existing gas supply contract from the Shah Deniz field by the end of the year.

With these commercial deliveries, the strategy of the Southern Natural Gas Corridor of the European Union through Greece will be implemented for the first time, which – in combination with other projects such as the Greek-Bulgarian natural gas pipeline IGB and the Liquefied Natural Gas Station (FSRU) of Alexandroupolis – by which it emerges as the most important transit hub for transporting alternative natural gas sources in Southeastern Europe.

With the launch of TAP, the strategic vision of the EU for the supply of natural gas from an alternative source is realised, contributing substantially to the achievement of the basic European objectives for energy security and diversification of energy sources.

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