14.9 C
Σάββατο, 15 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishT901 Improved Turbine Engines (ITE) Arrive At Sikorsky For Black Hawk Integration

T901 Improved Turbine Engines (ITE) Arrive At Sikorsky For Black Hawk Integration

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Two of the U.S. Army’s T901 Improved Turbine Engines (ITE) arrived at Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company (NYSE: LMT), signalling a new phase of Black Hawk® helicopter modernization efforts. GE Aerospace manufactures the T901 engine, which will increase the UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter’s performance, including lift capability and range, providing Army commanders with more options for planning and executing missions.

The T901 engine will increase the Black Hawk’s power by 50%, while also improving fuel efficiency and is a critical component of the roadmap to a modernized Black Hawk – a key part of Lockheed Martin’s 21st Century Security® vision.

“Increased performance and range offered by the T901 are high-value capabilities the Army can implement on the Black Hawk in a cost-effective way that will not require expensive re-engineering,” said Hamid Salim, vice president of Army and Air Force Systems at Sikorsky. “The ITEP and other enhancement efforts ensure the Black Hawk remains in operation well into the 2070s, securing its position as the Army’s foundational tactical air assault and utility aircraft of choice.”

What’s Next

Sikorsky is positioned to conduct a multi-aircraft test program to support the Army’s ITEP acquisition milestone schedule.

  • The two T901 engines will be installed in one Black Hawk test aircraft for ground runs and flight testing.
  • Aircraft hardware is already on hand to accept two additional T901 engines for installation into a second Black Hawk test aircraft, which will accelerate the test program.

The Army’s Utility Helicopters Project Office (UHPO), Aviation Turbine Engines Project Office (ATE PO), and Sikorsky have completed several key program milestones to prepare for this integration, including:

  • Successful completion of the H-60M Preliminary Design Review and Critical Design Review.
  • Software Formal Qualification Testing (FQT) for the Integrated Vehicle Health Management System (IVHMS) and is on track to complete the Flight Management System FQT this summer.
  • Receipt and completion of all aircraft test instrumentation required to support the test program.
  • Receipt of all aircraft “A-kit” hardware required to install two T901s into the H-60M in preparation to execute ground test and flight test.

“We view this as an extension of the work we’ve completed on ITE with our Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) prototype and are even better positioned for a timely and simplified integration of the engine into the H-60M, due to data and insights we’ve retrieved from successful ITE tests completed to date,” said Salim.

Sikorsky received, installed, and successfully conducted engine light-off of the T901 engine in the FARA prototype aircraft. The ongoing FARA test program is specifically designed to collect data relevant to the Black Hawk engine integration to support risk reduction for the Black Hawk flight test program.

A Modernized Black Hawk

Sikorsky H-60M modernization efforts continue to be primarily focused on ITE, as well as Modular Open Systems Approach/digital backbone and Launched Effects. Digital innovations, such as a new sustainment digital twin, improve safety and mission readiness while reducing costly downtime and unscheduled maintenance.

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