15.5 C
Κυριακή, 2 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕSeoul: Event marks 70th anniversary of Armistice and Greece's participation in Korean...

Seoul: Event marks 70th anniversary of Armistice and Greece’s participation in Korean War

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The Embassy of Greece in Korea, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Armistice and in commemoration of Greece’s participation in the Korean War organised an event, in collaboration with the National Assembly, at the Sarangjae hanok in Seoul. The event, which was held on Monday, 13 November, presented the history, music, art and culinary heritage of Greece.

Greece, although depopulated after the devastating World War II, was among the countries that responded to the international call to fight for the universal values of democracy and freedom, by dispatching nine airplanes and 10,824 officers and soldiers to Korea, of whom 194 died on the battlefields.

The event brought together prominent representatives of the Korean Parliament and Government, corporate Korea, cultural and academic institutions as well as former Ambassadors of Korea to Greece and was graced by the presence of the spouse of the Prime Minister, Mrs. Han Duck-soo, who is traveling abroad.

The Secretary General of the National Assembly of Korea, Lee Kwangjae delivered a speech to mark the existing friendship between Korea and Greece and expressed his confidence that there is a promising future to further strengthen the bilateral bonds.

The Hellenic Parliament was represented by the President of the Greece – Korea Friendship Committee, Georgios Stamatis, who delivered a message of firm solidarity with Korea. The Ambassador of Greece in Korea, Ekaterini Loupas, in her message emphasised that the historical moment that brought Greece to the Korean Peninsula, is the cornerstone of the existing strong bonds between the two countries, leading them to further enhance their political, economic, environmental and cultural cooperation.

The President of the Association of Greek Shipyards and ONEX Group, Panos Xenokostas, focused on the great relationship that the two countries have in the shipping sector for more than 50 years and on the future challenges for environmentally friendly shipping policies.

World-renowned Greek soloist Theodore Tzovanakis performed a piano concert, followed by a dinner with food and wines presenting Greece’s rich culinary heritage and wine culture, while an exhibition of paintings by Angeliki Angelidi, inspired by Korean symbols and philosophy, was held at the venue.


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