5.5 C
Παρασκευή, 21 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
EnglishSalamis Shipyards deliver five pre-equipped blocks for French FDI frigates

Salamis Shipyards deliver five pre-equipped blocks for French FDI frigates

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Salamis Shipyards has delivered five pre-equipped blocks of the second and fifth series of production for the French FDI frigates (Frégate de Défense et d’Intervention), which are now being transported to the Naval Group shipyard in Lorient. This delivery marks a significant milestone for both Salamis Shipyards and Greek shipbuilding defence industry, as it is the first time a Greek shipyard has participated in the construction of high-tech warships for another country’s fleet through the FDI program.

This partnership with the Naval Group involves Salamis Shipyards providing five pre-equipped blocks of the hull and superstructure for the construction of the FDI frigates. These frigates are intended for both the Greek and French navies.

“We delivered five blocks for the second French FDI frigate, following the five blocks that were built at our shipyard and delivered to the Naval Group for the construction of the third Greek FDI HN Formion. Recently, our shipyards have extended their cooperation with the Naval Group for the construction of the third French frigate. We hope to soon participate in the construction of the fourth Greek FDI frigate. We are proud to be part of the FDI frigates program, which is a turning point for the Greek shipbuilding industry, as it marks the first time Greece exports defence products of this scale,” said George Koros, CEO of Salamis Shipyards.

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