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Δευτέρα, 9 Δεκεμβρίου, 2024
EnglishPM Mitsotakis: We must build bridges of cooperation with commitment to the...

PM Mitsotakis: We must build bridges of cooperation with commitment to the observance of international law

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“We had the opportunity to touch on all the burning issues of international current affairs, as well as NATO’s strategic priorities. We discussed the constructive role of Greece, as our country is truly recognised as a strong pillar of security, stability and democracy in this sensitive and troubled southeastern wing of the  Alliance,” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in statements after his meeting with NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte. “Greece’s special interest is obviously fixed on the south neighbourhood under the shadow of the tragic developments in the Middle East. Let me also express my hope that this time the negotiations for a ceasefire in southern Lebanon will be effective, so that at least this front can be closed as soon as possible,” added Mitsotakis.
“Of course, we looked at what is happening on the fronts of the war in Ukraine, with a common position that support for Ukraine should continue, especially during the winter, which has already started, and this means that we remain consistent with the package of measures of the Washington Summit. Our country has stood firmly by the side of the defenders for the thousand and some days that this illegal invasion has been going on. And we also agreed on one of the fundamental priorities, the need to strengthen our collective defence,” he said.

“A goal that, of course, requires a strong defence industry, significant investments, but I believe that we had the opportunity to discuss many times in the European Council a more functional relationship between NATO and the European Union, in order to further strengthen the European pillar of the Alliance. Greece invests a little more than 3% of its GDP in defence. We are one of the protagonists in Europe and I want to remind you that we invested more than 2% in defence and in the very difficult times of the memorandums, when other European countries invested much less than that, and we have tabled specific proposals to Brussels on the strengthening of European defence. Especially for finding fiscal space, particularly for those countries that want to invest more in this area, so that all member-states are protected more effectively. Also regarding the need for a common anti-missile defence after the recent developments in Ukraine – I think this has become more relevant than ever. It is an initiative that would strengthen and complement the role of the Alliance on our continent and I think the time has come to discuss how this necessity will become action,” the prime minister added.

“We must build bridges of cooperation with our partners. Let’s move forward together with faith in the fundamental principles of freedom, democracy, solidarity, with the necessary and unwavering commitment of all to the observance of international law, but let me emphasise, also international treaties. International treaties form the basis of international security, something that particularly concerns the sensitive region of the Western Balkans,” said the prime minister.

Addressing Rutte, Mitsotakis concluded: “Dear Mark, your presence here today in Athens in your new capacity seals our common commitment to these values and therefore I welcome you back to Greece with the words of the Dutch philosopher Spinoza, which remain relevant these past four centuries. United we more easily acquire what we need, just as we more easily fend off the dangers that surround us.”

NATO chief Rutte: Greece is a staunch ally in NATO

“In NATO, we have the Alliance we need to defend every inch of our territory,” said NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte on Tuesday, after his meeting with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the Maximos Mansion in Athens.

Rutte confirmed that he had discussed regional security challenges with the Greek prime minister, particularly the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and reaffirmed that the Alliance would continue to provide significant support to Ukraine, helping Ukraine defend itself effectively, while adding that “our support for Ukraine has kept them in the fight but we need to further, to change the trajectory of the conflict”.

NATO’s secretary general described Greece as a staunch ally and dedicated member of the Alliance, stating that it spends more than 3% of its budget on defence. He also underlined that NATO must move in the direction of strengthening its own deterrence and defence, “including by boosting defence investment and production.”

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