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Παρασκευή, 27 Δεκεμβρίου, 2024
EnglishPM Mitsotakis: Greece and Europe support Ukraine's struggle for freedom and independence

PM Mitsotakis: Greece and Europe support Ukraine’s struggle for freedom and independence

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Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis was welcomed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at Odessa’s port on Wednesday.

Mitsotakis was briefed about the operation of the cereals export corridor through the Black Sea and Danube, and he then visited the administration building of the port, where he met privately with Zelensky. Their meeting was followed by extended meetings with delegations of the two countries.

During the talks, the Greek PM reiterated Greece’s continuing support to Ukraine, and the steadfast support of the country’s European and Euro-Atlantic prospect. He also underlined Greece’s interest in contributing to the rebuilding of Ukraine, especially of Odessa, which city carried a particular importance for Greece due to its history and culture.

According to information, the two leaders also reviewed other sectors of collaboration, including energy and Greece’s role as a supply corridor to Europe and the Balkans.

Mitsotakis and Zelensky then visited the building complex which was hit a few days ago and where 12 civilians lost their lives, including 5 children, and they laid flowers at a monument honoring the dead.

The Greek PM also laid a wreath at the monument of the museum of the Filiki Eteria, the secret organization working towards Greece’s liberation from Ottoman rule. At the museum, Mitsotakis had the opportunity to talk with Greeks of the diaspora and of Greek descent who welcomed him at the museum’s courtyard.

“I wanted to visit Odessa in particular,” he said. “We managed to find the way to coordinate our schedules with President Zelensky, and to tell you that we stand by you, we support Ukraine, but we also support you in the struggle to preserve your Greek roots.” He added, “I am very moved for the opportunity you gave me to meet you and I believe we are all shocked by the tragedy, particularly of the Greek community of Mariupol. We want to do whatever we can to leave those hard times behind and look at the future with more optimism. But I truly wish to thank you for making the effort to come here today, and truly wish you the best.”

The Greek PM added, “All of Europe supports Ukraine’s struggle for freedom and independence, and naturally, Greece could not be missing from this effort.”


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