Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias on Wednesday met with representatives of the seasonal firefighters, who are temporarily employed during the summer months to fight fires. According to the minister, over 1600 of the original 2,500 seasonal firefighters will be given jobs in the Fire Brigade in 2025, while the upper age limits for new hires will remain at 40 years old for active firefighters and 50 years old for drivers.
Additionally, Kikilias noted that bonus points will be awarded for every fire season worked by veteran seasonal firefighters, so that their years of service and past experience are taken into account.
Finally, regarding the older veteran seasonal firefighters, the government is examining whether and where there are needs of a similar nature where they could be absorbed in the broader public sector, for example in the civil protection services of municipalities or in forestry services.
Kikilias meets with seasonal firefighters delegation
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