6 C
Πέμπτη, 20 Μαρτίου, 2025
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕFour candidates in tender to buy at least 67 pct of Alexandroupolis...

Four candidates in tender to buy at least 67 pct of Alexandroupolis port

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Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) on Friday announced that four interested parties have submitted an expression of interest for the acquisition of a majority stake of at least 67% of the Alexandroupolis Port Authority.

In an announcement, HRADF said that expressions of interest were submitted by the following parties (in alphabetical order):

1) Consortium composed of the companies Cameron SA-Goldair Cargo SA-Bollore Africa Logistics

2) Consortium International Port Investments Alexandroupolis, composed of the companies Black Summit Financial Group- Euroports-EFA Group and GEK TERNA.

3) Quintana Infrastructure & Development

4) Thessaloniki Port Authority

HRADF’s advisors will evaluate the above expressions of interest and submit their recommendation to the Fund’s board of directors regarding the candidates who qualify for the next phase of the tender (binding offers phase).

The Alexandroupolis Port Authority SA (OLA) was granted the right to exclusively use and operate the buildings, land, and facilities of the port land-side zone of the port of Alexandroupolis and the fishing shelter of Makri by a concession agreement with the Hellenic Republic.
OLA also has administrative jurisdiction over the port of Kamariotissa in Samothraki and the Therma fishing shelter of Samothraki.

The development “justifies the government’s strategic planning for the development of Greece’s ports and its methodical approach to ensure the planning is implemented successfully,” Finance and Shipping Ministers Christos Staikouras and Yiannis Plakiotakis, respectively, said in a joint statement the same day.

“We move on steadily to turn our ports into pillars of a strong development regionally and nationally, providing multiple and significant benefits to local communities and the Greek economy as a whole,” they added.

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