11.1 C
Δευτέρα, 3 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishFM Dendias after trilateral: Greece actively working for regional security framework in...

FM Dendias after trilateral: Greece actively working for regional security framework in East Med

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Greece is actively seeking to establish a regional security framework, mainly through dialogue and collaboration, Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias said after the conclusion of the trilateral meeting of Cyprus, Greece, and Israel in Nicosia on Friday.

Taking part in the meetings with Dendias were his counterparts of Cyprus Constantine Kombos and of Israel Eli Cohen.

“The three countries discussed their joint actions and synergies developed in several sectors including digital technology, innovation, energy, water resources, and fighting terrorism,” Dendias said, strongly condemning the terrorist attacks in Israel.

Referring to Türkiye the FM said that “after the earthquakes we were and will continue to be in solidarity, and this is not related to any sort of geopolitical agenda; it is a gesture based on humanitarian reasons at times of massive difficulties faced by a neighbor.” Under this angle, he said, “Greece and Cyprus are committed to people in Türkiye, as in Syria, in the framework of the International Donors’ Conference in Brussels” in March 2023 following the devastating earthquakes on February 6.

East Mediterranean Gas Forum

Dendias also referred to the East Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF) as “an excellent example of the way in which member countries use energy as a catalyst for peace and collaboration.” The eight EMGF members include Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, and Palestine, while the United States, World Bank Group and European Union are observers.

“From this point of view, we are open to new members, such as the Turkish Republic of Türkiye, under the fundamental condition, naturally, of respect of International Law,” the Greek FM added.

In terms of Cyprus, Greece continues its close collaboration with the island republic for a just and viable solution to the reunification of the island, and added that “Cyprus and Israel are very close partners and very significant regional factors.” Greece welcomes the EU-Egypt-Israel Memorandum of Understanding signed during the Cyprus Republic’s presidency of the EMGF, as developments like these “show that the East Mediterranean playas a key role as an alternative energy corridor,” Dendias added.

While in Nicosia and after the trilateral meeting, FM Dendias also met separately with FM Kombos. He was also received by Archbishop Georgios of New Justiniana and All Cyprus.

(Photo, L to R: Dendias, Kombos, Cohen)

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