15.2 C
Σάββατο, 29 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishDrone and Hybrid Systems presented by INTRACOM DEFENSE in DEFEA 2021

Drone and Hybrid Systems presented by INTRACOM DEFENSE in DEFEA 2021

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INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) participated in the International Defence & Security Exhibition “DEFEA 2021”, held in Athens, Greece, between 13-15 July 2021.

IDE’s exhibition area was visited by the Minister of National Defense, Mr. Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos, the Minister of Development and Investments, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Christos Staikouras, the Deputy Minister of National Defense, Mr. Alkiviadis Stefanis and the Chiefs of General Staff of the Hellenic National Defence, of the Hellenic Army, the Airforce and the Navy.

Meetings were also held with government representatives and military delegations from various countries, as well as defense industry executives, who had the opportunity to be updated on the company’s state-of-the-art Manufacturing Capabilities for advanced Radar and Missile Electronics, and its innovative products in the areas of Communication & Information Systems, Hybrid Electric Power and Unmanned Systems.

The display of the RX-3plus Hellenic Tactical Unmanned System, the result of a cooperation between the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, IDE and CFT, was among the highlights of the exhibition.

IDE had the honor to exhibit, by courtesy of and in cooperation with the Hellenic Ministry of Defence, a Leopard 2A4 capability upgrade demonstrator. The MBT was displayed with a GENAIRCON hybrid power supply & management system of INTRACOM DEFENSE, integrated in cooperation with KMW and HDVS, and a C4I capability based on IDE’s WiSPRevolution CIS and Rheinmetall’s Iniohos C2.

IDE powered its exhibition stand by one of its HGT20K tactical mobile hybrid generators, throughout the duration of the event.

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