13.2 C
Δευτέρα, 2 Δεκεμβρίου, 2024
EnglishDep. FM Fragogiannis on agreements with Turkiye and Erdogan's visit

Dep. FM Fragogiannis on agreements with Turkiye and Erdogan’s visit

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Deputy Foreign Minister responsible for Economic Diplomacy and Openness Kostas Fragogiannis in an interview with the newspaper TA NEA on Saturday referred to the facts that led to the signing of the 15 agreements of the Positive Agenda in the context of the 5th Greece-Turkey High Level Council meeting and to the benefits that derive from significant agreements.

Fragogiannis noted the reasons of the special importance of this development:

-Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Athens after six years reflects the climate of cooperation and dialogue that prevails in the Greek-Turkish relations at this moment.

-The preservation of this climate is in all parts interest as the challenges we are facing today, at regional and international level, demand cooperation and convergences.

-Turkiye is a country with significant power in our historically and culturally restless neighbourhood.

-We are seeking for open channels of communication with our neighbouring country keeping in parallel clear positions on our sovereign issues and without any intention of backing down on our sovereignty rights.

Fragogiannis also referred to the signing of agreements with clear economic and social impact.

Finally, he underlined that it is in our interest for the unbreakable geographic bonds with Turkiye to co-align with a calm and fruitful neighbourhood.


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