BERLIN (ANA/F. Karaviti) — We all, as EU member states, have of course the obligation to take seriously into account the rights and issues presented by our Greek friends and of course to support them when they are right, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated on Friday.
“Nevertheless, I have repeatedly tried to avoid a further escalation and this is held partially when talking constantly with both parties. The differences there concern the delimitation of the EEZ and can be addressed only together and this is what Germany is trying to achieve,” she added speaking in the context of the summer press conference currently underway.
Referring to her discussions with French President Emmanuel Macron on the issue, Merkel said that they discussed their relations with Turkey which are, as she said, multi-facetted. “Turkey is a NATO partner and the conflict between two NATO partners can’t leave us indifferent and for this reason we must attempt to clarify the things in the context of the Alliance.”
Chancellor Merkel: All, as EU member states, have the obligation to support Greece
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