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Πέμπτη, 2 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
EnglishForeign ministry on the one-year anniversary since the October 7 terrorist attacks...

Foreign ministry on the one-year anniversary since the October 7 terrorist attacks against Israel

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“Today marks one year after the horrendous terrorist attacks against Israel, which resulted in the killing of civilians and prompted a dangerous escalation in the region. Every day our thoughts are with the families of the hostages and we call for their immediate and unconditional release. We express our solidarity with Israel and the Israeli people and their right to live in security.

In the same vein, the alarming spike in antisemitism around the world requires our collective efforts to ensure it is not tolerated in any context.

At this critical juncture, we call for an immediate ceasefire to alleviate the suffering of all civilians, increase the delivery of humanitarian aid for people in need and start planning for the day after as soon as possible, giving the region an opportunity for peace and prosperity for all,” the Greek Foreign Ministry said in an announcement (also posted on X) on Monday.

FM Gerapetritis article on anniversary of October 7 terrorist attack on Israel

“One year after Hamas’ terrorist attack against innocent civilians in Israel, the Middle East is teetering on the brink of an uncontrollable conflict,” Foreign Minister George  Gerapetritis said to iefimerida.gr, in an article on the anniversary of the terrorist strike against Israel on October 7, 2023.

“The humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the spillover of hostilities to Lebanon and the Red Sea, Iran’s missile attack, and the risk of conflagration in the broader Middle East have intensified global uncertainty and concern,” he stressed.

“From the outset, Greece has maintained a principled stance. We condemned the terrorist attack by Hamas and upheld Israel’s right to self-defense in accordance with International Humanitarian Law, and concurrently we advocated for the unconditional release of hostages,” the minister noted.

“We have consistently emphasised the need for a lasting, sustainable ceasefire to ensure the unhindered flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza and the development of a reconstruction plan. Furthermore, we have articulated the imperative need to provide a vision to the Palestinian people, advocating for the establishment of a Palestinian state within the framework of United Nations Security Council Resolutions,” he added.

Gerapetritis noted that “geography, along with our country’s geostrategic position and historically strong relations with regional states, have positioned Greece as a pillar of stability. Taking on this role’s significant responsibilities, we have intensified our diplomatic contacts and actions. We have traveled to Israel and Ramallah and maintained systematic contacts with key regional players, including Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.”

He also highlighted Greece’s initiatives within the European Union, including its proposals for the establishment of an EU and Arab World Foreign Ministers’ task force aimed at mediating, setting out the framework of the peace process, and coordinating simultaneous diplomatic efforts to achieve a cessation of hostilities in the Middle East.

“Additionally, it was our initiative to offer expertise to enhance democratic institutions and improve governance efficiency and transparency of the Palestinian Authority. Our proactive foreign policy and consistent stance have earned us credibility. Over the past year, Greece has been invited to and participated in every major International Conference on the Middle East and the situation in Gaza,” he said.

“This will be our approach during our two-year term as an elected member of the UN Security Council. I pledge that Greece will work systematically to build bridges and restore the true meaning of the United Nations Charter, ensuring the peaceful resolution of disputes and refraining from the use of force under any circumstances. Humanity can no longer afford further division,” the minister concluded.

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