9.9 C
Παρασκευή, 3 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
EnglishNaval Group lays the keel of HS Formion, third defence and intervention...

Naval Group lays the keel of HS Formion, third defence and intervention frigate (FDI) for the Hellenic Navy

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On April 15th 2024, the keel laying of the first block of the third Hellenic Ship (HS) Formion took place in the Naval Group shipyard in Lorient. This step is a symbolic milestone in the FDI program for the Hellenic Navy, as it marks the beginning of the third ship’s assembly process.

The keel laying of HS Formion is another great achievement which illustrates the strong and long-term industrial cooperation between France and Greece. As an example, SALAMIS SHIPYARDS has already delivered in February several pre-outfitted hull blocks which were built in Greece in their yard of Salamina island through a comprehensive transfer of technology provided by Naval Group. These blocks are now in the process of being assembled in Lorient with the other blocks of the HS Formion.

The FDI HN programme is moving forward. HS Kimon was launched in October 2023, her PSIM was installed in November, and harbour trials started in early March, with the Electrical Distribution system power-up of the ship. The CMS has been powered up on board by the end of March with the latest version featuring many Hellenic Navy-specific capabilities. The first 2 Aster 30 Vertical Launching Systems (A50 – Sylver®), have been installed in early April. The second half of 2024 will focus on very important milestones with HS Kimon First Sea Going and the launching of HS Nearchos.

HS Nearchos’ PSIM has been transferred to its shore-testing area for a 5-month test period. during which setting-to-work of many systems of the PSIM will be performed. The PSIM will then be installed onboard HS Nearchos a few days after launching the frigate.

HS Formion’s PSIM is being pre-outfitting. The cabling and outfitting of equipment will start soon. The last hull block is under construction in Salamis Shipyards and will be delivered in July.

The three frigates will be delivered in 2025 and 2026.

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