11.3 C
Κυριακή, 5 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕFire Brigade: Extensive rekindling of fires in West Attica, Rhodes, and Laconia...

Fire Brigade: Extensive rekindling of fires in West Attica, Rhodes, and Laconia in Peloponnese

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The rekindling of fires in West Attica, the island of Rhodes and Lefkochoma in Lakonia are occupying extensive firefighting forces by land and air, Fire Brigade press spokesperson Lt-Colonel Yiannis Artopoios said on Thursday afternoon in a briefing.

He reiterated that residents of the areas of Agia Sotira, Paleokoundoura, Panorama, Paleochori (West Attica) were notified by the 112 emergency messaging system at 16:25 to evacuate toward Inoi, north of Dervenochoria’s fire, while another message at 17:40 called on Inoi residents to evacuate toward Erythres, further north and closer to Thebes (Thiva).

In a later update, the Agios Ioannis Korakas residents in West Attica were also asked to evacuate to Mandra, further south toward Elefsina.

In the greater West Attica area there are 11 firefighting airplanes and 11 helicopters, including the 4 aircraft provided by Italy and France to Greece through the EU’s RescEU mechanism, the spokesman sid.

Recent rekindling of the fire in the Lakonia region (south of Sparta) created new fronts southeast of the settlement of Lefkochoma, which are being fought by strong land forces as well as 4 aircraft and 1 helicopter.

On Rhodes, there are multiple rekindlings of fire on the mountain range in the center of the island, and 3 aircraft with 2 helicopters are operating there.

Artopoios said that “all the forces of Civil Protection working with regions and municipalities are expending great efforts to limit the fires that are out of control. Conditions have become extreme and create active fire fronts.” He noted that another 2 airplanes were added to firefighting forces by Israel on Thursday.

Overall in Greece there were 62 forest fires in the last 24 hours, most of which were put out early on, he said, while he warned of the forecast for temperatures rising to new highs as of Thursday through Sunday, and the high threat of fire in all of Greece.


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