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Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024
EnglishIsraeli firefighting aircrafts arrived in Greece

Israeli firefighting aircrafts arrived in Greece

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Operation “Birds of Fire” – Firefighting teams and aircraft led by the Ministry of National Security, under the command of the Israel Police Aviation Division, in coordination with the Fire and Rescue Services, and the IDF have arrived in Greece.

Responding to Greece’s emergency assistance request and based on the strong partnership between the two nations, firefighting teams led by the Ministry of National Security, under the command of the Israel Police Air Division, in coordination with the Fire and Rescue Services and the IDF, have arrived in Greece. The teams and equipment were transported by the “Karnaf” aircraft of the IDF, with flight approval from the Ministry of Defense. Two Elbit Systems “Air Tractor” firefighting planes from the “Elad” squadron have now landed, and they are expected to integrate into firefighting operations starting tomorrow (Friday) until the coming Sunday, barring any changes in the situation. Participating in the relief operations are teams from the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of National Security, the Fire and Rescue Services, the Israel Police Air Division, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Elbit Systems, the IDF, the Ministry of Defense Attaché to Greece, and the Greek embassies.

Upon the arrival of the relief teams in Greece, briefings were conducted by the Israeli Ambassador to Greece, Noam Katz, and operational experts regarding the preliminary actions for the mission. This includes coordination of international cooperation among the various assisting forces from different countries and training for the necessary safety measures required for aerial operations, which include multiple aircraft and helicopters, as part of the international effort to combat the massive fires.

As part of Operation “Birds of Fire,” led by the Ministry of National Security and the Israel Police Air Division, in coordination with the Fire and Rescue Services and the IDF, the aircraft will assist in extinguishing the widespread fires in Greece caused by extreme weather conditions, including heatwaves, strong winds, and temperatures potentially reaching 46 degrees Celsius. The assistance includes a team of four pilots, skilled ground teams, forest firefighting specialists, and accompanying equipment.

Minister of National Security, MK Itamar Ben-Gvir: “The fires are a multifaceted challenge, and in recent hours, they have broken out in different locations in Greece. The “Elad” squadron’s “Air Tractor” firefighting planes, under the command of the Israel Police Air Division and the professional teams of the Fire and Rescue Services, will join the forces on-site to assist in extinguishing the fires. This is part of a fruitful and mutual cooperation between Israel and Greece, developed over many years by the Ministry of National Security, the Israel Police, the Fire and Rescue Services, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the IDF, National Emergency Authority, and the embassies.”

Superintendent Chaim Bar-Gil, Commander in the Aviation Division of the Israel Police: “Over the years, we have improved our operational and technological capabilities, positioning ourselves as a professional, advanced, and mobile firefighting force. It is an honor and a privilege to contribute and share our knowledge and experience with Greece, which is facing such a complex challenge.”

Commissioner of the Israel Fire and Rescue Services, Eyal Caspi: “We are on the threshold of a national mission that is part of regional and strategic ties between Israel and Greece. The global climate crisis knows no borders, affecting countries and states, necessitating regional and mutual assistance, joint planning, and the sharing of technologies and resources. We are proud to play a central role in the challenge of extinguishing the fires spreading in Greece and have no doubt that our accumulated knowledge and experience in recent years will contribute to the mission’s success.”



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