8.8 C
Τετάρτη, 12 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
EnglishMitarachi on university security, migration and new IDs

Mitarachi on university security, migration and new IDs

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Citizen Protection Minister Notis Mitarachi, in an interview with public broadcaster ERT on Monday, spoke of the redesigning of university security.

“The situation in the universities is better today than it was two years ago,” Mitarachi said and added: “I think that, as I also said in Parliament, there is a redesign now of the whole process of guarding the universities, [while] the goal remains exactly the same: to have an orderly life in universities so that we ensure the right of students to study safely. The exact operational framework is under review at the moment.”

He also referred to migration, criticising Europe and FRONTEX, stressing that it is time for the EU to have a clear migration policy, and noted that Frontex must control Libyan territorial waters more effectively.

“Right now Europe is implementing an ambiguous strategy, on the one hand it claims to be against undocumented migration, but ultimately, the way European politics works actually rewards the smuggling rings,” the minister said and added: “Unfortunately, we see people risking their lives everyday, chiefly to go to Italy, as Greece is no longer the main gateway to Europe after 2020. So Europe needs to arrive at important policies of this kind.”

In this context, he underlined that next week, together with the newly appointed Minister of Migration Dimitris Kairides, they will participate in Spain in the informal council of justice and home affairs ministers in Spain, which will once again have migration on the agenda.

The Minister of Citizen Protection also announced that the new identity cards will begin to be issued in September and the new passports with increased security features in January 2024. Their duration will be ten years and citizens will be able to renew them with an application form.

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