7.4 C
Παρασκευή, 21 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishThe memoranda are invalid, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Libya...

The memoranda are invalid, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Libya says

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A joint message that “all foreign forces and mercenaries must leave the territory of Libya” was sent on Friday during the meeting of Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias with the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Libya, Aguila Saleh.

“What is needed – and you represent it in the clearest way – is to allow the Libyan people to express their overriding will in the elections. And in order for this to happen, all foreign forces and mercenaries must leave the territory of Libya,” Dendias undrelined. In this context, he assured that Greece will do everything it can to help in this direction.

Saleh made it clear that “the Presidential Council, whose term has expired, did not have the power to conclude any agreements or memoranda that have not been ratified by the House of Representatives.” The House of Representatives rejected the ratification of such an agreement, declaring it invalid, he added.

Regarding the importance of the Mediterranean as a safe route for trade, Saleh said that “the Greek and Libyan people can ensure peace” and stressed that “there is a huge difference between one who defends his homeland and the right to life and to anyone who wishes to impose his hegemony on another country and seize the property of that country.”

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