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Παρασκευή, 20 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024
EnglishStoltenberg: Greece and Türkiye are valuable and important allies, contribute to joint...

Stoltenberg: Greece and Türkiye are valuable and important allies, contribute to joint security

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Greece and Türkiye are both valuable and important allies contributing to joint defense and security in different ways, outgoing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday.

At a farewell event for the end of his ten-year tenure at the Alliance held by the German Marshall Fund, Stoltenberg underlined that both Greece and Türkiye play an important role in NATO and are part of the decision making on a daily basis, adding that allies should be friends.

He also noted that when there are differences and challenges in bilateral relations, the greater part must be resolved with bilateral discussion, and he welcomed such meetings.

NATO has played the role of a platform facilitating dialog to resolve differences, Stoltenberg underlined, and the Alliance has done that at different stages, in order as well to manage the danger of incidents in the Aegean, by sea and by air.

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