13 C
Δευτέρα, 3 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishRubio following meeting with Gerapetritis: Greece is a valued NATO ally and...

Rubio following meeting with Gerapetritis: Greece is a valued NATO ally and critical to regional stability

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Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis and his US counterpart Marco Rubio met in Washington on Friday, where they discussed ways to further enhance Greek-American relations.

The meeting lasted 45 minutes, and, as Gerapetritis noted, the two delegations discussed the scope for cooperation with the new US administration on all levels, including the economy, tourism, trade, energy, and civil society relations.

The first meeting between Gerapetritis and Marco Rubio came in the wake of the stormy debate in the Oval Office, during which President Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance engaged in a public confrontation with Volodymyr Zelensky.
“Specifically on the Ukraine issue, I pointed out that Europe remains committed to a just and viable solution for the Ukrainian people, and regardless of the public confrontation that took place today, it remains Europe’s obligation to upgrade its defence infrastructure. But US support is necessary,” said Gerapetritis.

Regarding the Middle East, Gerapetritis argued that a solution must be found that will ensure peace and prosperity in the region and explained that it must ensure both the security of Israel and a viable future for the Palestinian people so that the wider region can enter a state of long-term peace.

Gerapetritis also referred to the dynamic presence of the Greek diaspora in the US, which he described as a link between the two countries.

The State Department, in an announcement, stressed that «Greece is a valued NATO ally and critical to regional stability.»
«Secretary of State Marco Rubio met with Greek Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis today and reaffirmed the strategic importance of the U.S.-Greece partnership. Greece is a valued NATO Ally and critical to regional stability. They discussed the importance of confronting illegal migration.  The United States applauds Greece’s strong commitment to defense spending and the Secretary welcomed Greece’s presence on the UN Security Council for its 2025-2026 term. The Secretary and Foreign Minister Gerapetritis also discussed Greece’s leadership in regional energy projects and prospects for future cooperation, noted the State Department in an announcement following the Gerapetritis-Rubio meeting.

In addition, Rubio, in a post on X, stressed, «In my meeting with Greek Foreign Minister Gerapetritis today, we discussed what we can accomplish together as partners, NATO Allies, and during Greece’s term at the UNSC. We also discussed Greece’s security and energy leadership in the Eastern Mediterranean and prospects for future cooperation”.

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