7.2 C
Κυριακή, 9 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕPresident Sakellaropoulou to Slovenian President: Our countries cherish the same common European...

President Sakellaropoulou to Slovenian President: Our countries cherish the same common European values

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The excellent climate in relations between Greece and Slovenia was reaffirmed during a meeting on Monday between President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou and visiting Slovenian President  Nataša Pirc Musar at the Presidential Mansion, in the context of Musar’s official visit to Greece.

Receiving the Slovenian President, Sakellaropoulou stated that that “our countries, partners in EU and allies in NATO cherish the same common European values and principles and our bilateral relations are constantly improving”.

She pointed out that “especial in today’s crucial conjunction, with the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, the eruption of violence in the Middle East and the lawless state in the Red Sea, the need for dialogue, respect for international law and the peaceful resolution of differences is more essential than ever, while the importance of the strategic independence of the EU is strongly highlighted”.

At the same time, she said, a series of challenges such as migration, the increased cost of living, rapid technological advances and the climate crisis raised concern in a large parts of European societies and both Greece and Slovenia had experienced this the previous year as a result of the extreme phenomena caused by the climate crisis.

On her part, the Slovenian President thanked Sakellaropoulou for her warm reception and expressed her joy that they will be attending the Delphi Economic Forum together.
She also referred to the things they share with Sakellaropoulou: “We are both women Presidents, we do not belong to any political party and that’s why we can look at the way things are going in our country and domestic policy with impartiality.”

Speaking about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, as well as the situation in Gaza, she pointed out that Slovenia was currently a member of UN Security Council, adding that her country will vote for Greece candidacy’s as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period 2025-2026.

It was also reaffirmed that “Greece and Slovenia agree on the EU’s enlargement and particularly the EU’s enlargement to the Western Balkans,” while she stated that her country supports the EU accession of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.

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