11.2 C
Παρασκευή, 3 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
EnglishPM Mitsotakis' visit to Libya marks resumption of relations with the country

PM Mitsotakis’ visit to Libya marks resumption of relations with the country

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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, accompanied by Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias, is to visit Libya on Tuesday, government spokesperson Aristotelia Peloni announced at the regular online press briefing on Monday.

“This visit, which will also signal the re-opening of the Greek Embassy in Tripoli, will mark the resumption of relations with the neighbouring country. Greece supports Libya’s new government and is ready to support its effort to lead the country to credible and inclusive elections and consequently to political normality and reorganisation,” she added.

The reopening of the Greek Embassy in Tripoli and the re-establishment of the General Consulate in Benghazi will significantly contribute to the strengthening of bilateral cooperation in all sectors, particularly in energy, construction and security, with great prospects for economic and trade relations,” Peloni said.

“We are looking forward to a new page in the two countries’ relations, written in accordance with the principles of international law and goodwill. It is important for Libya in this new era to get rid of the baggage that pulls it down, such as the presence of foreign forces and mercenaries in its territory,” Peloni underlined.

She also said that Greece is ready to support Libya and its people in every way, in both a bilateral and a European framework.

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