29.4 C
Παρασκευή, 27 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024
EnglishPM Mitsotakis' visit to Chios: Continuous investment in the Armed Forces a...

PM Mitsotakis’ visit to Chios: Continuous investment in the Armed Forces a strategic imperative

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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis was briefed on the progress of infrastructural projects on the island of Chios, which he was visiting on Friday.

The projects included the “Koris Gephyri” dam, the construction of the Courthouse, and the expansion of the local airport’s runway and building facilities.

He attended events for the celebration of Saint George at the “Gialas” Army Camp and visited the Museum of Massacres at the Monastery of Saint Minas, as well as the Research Center of the Chios Mastiha Growers Association. The prime minister was accompanied by the Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, General Dimitrios Houpis, and spoke with national guards serving on the island, where he was also briefed on the weaponry systems at the unit.

The PM stressed that at these times of great geopolitical instability, the continuous investment in the Armed Forces “is a strategic choice which our government serves unwaveringly for the last five years.” He also emphasized that “the Armed Forces ensure national sovereignty but at the same time serve a very important role in peacetime, providing everything from healthcare services to the construction of small infrastructure projects and from airlifts in cases of medical emergencies to support in climate crisis conditions,” adding that the progress of the projects is monitored by his office.

Earlier, Mitsotakis met at the Municipality of Chios with the mayors of Chios, Giannis Malafis, Psara, Kostas Vratsanos, and Oinousses, George Daniil, while also visiting the offices of the North Aegean Region. They discussed issues of local interest and the significant reduction of irregular migration flows in the eastern Aegean.

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