10.4 C
Τετάρτη, 19 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
EnglishPM Mitsotakis to North Macedonia: European path to remain shut if challenges...

PM Mitsotakis to North Macedonia: European path to remain shut if challenges to Prespa Agreement continue

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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis conveyed a new message to the new leadership of North Macedonia during his tour in Florina, just a few kilometers from the border with the neighboring country, on Tuesday.

He stated that “if they insist on challenging the core of the Prespa Agreement regarding the name of their country, and they call it the way they wish to call it, then they should know that their European path will remain closed,” referring to accession to the European Union.

As Mitsotakis added, “Our neighbors want us to have good relations too – the citizens of North Macedonia do not want either tensions or nationalism. I hope and wish they will come to their senses and return to the right path.”

The prime minister mentioned that he received the European Commission’s response on Tuesday to his letter to its president concerning the issue of high prices in Greece. He pointed out that in its response, the Commission acknowledged he was right, that there are some multinational companies that exploit various bureaucratic loopholes to price their products differently in Greece compared to those in Germany, resulting in unjustifiably higher costs for the same products in Greece than in other markets.
Regarding the Florina region, Mitsotakis noted that natural gas network will be extended to reach the city and reduce heating costs for households.

Mitsotakis was welcomed by Mayor of Florina Vassilis Giannakis and Western Macedonia Regional Governor George Amanatidis. Before addressing the citizens, the premier took a walk along the main pedestrian street.

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