21 C
Τετάρτη, 12 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishPM Mitsotakis: 'Tempi will not and should not be forgotten'

PM Mitsotakis: ‘Tempi will not and should not be forgotten’

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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis sent the message that “Tempi will not and should not be forgotten,” in his review of the government’s work on social media each Sunday, stressing that the government is the “first to want the trial for this unspeakable tragedy to begin.”

He noted that it had been a “tumultuous week”, both at home and abroad, following the rejection of a motion of no-confidence in the government in a vote on Friday, and the recent Special European Council in Brussels to discuss European defence policy.

Mitsotakis emphasised that Greece was now having to navigate “an extremely fluid geopolitical landscape” and expressed his satisfaction that Thursday’s European Council had arrived at conclusions “which are a full vindication of standing national positions”.

“Even before the war in Ukraine broke out, I had noted the need for Europe’s strategic autonomy but also the need for fiscal flexibility on the part of European institutions as regards defence spending, for those countries that wish to invest more in defence. I spoke of the need for Europe to finally be able to consider the formation of new common defence fund, financed by European funds, in order to support a common European defence policy,” he said.

Mitsotakis pointed out that Greece was not alone in speaking of these things but was among those leading the way, while these positions were now reflected in the recent summit’s conclusions, meaning that Greece and other European countries were able to use the escape clause to increase investment in defence without this counting in the calculation of their deficit. “This is a significant success for Greece, which further protects us against any national threat,” he added.

Regarding the motion of no confidence, the premier said that the goal was to “move forward and turn what the majority of citizens who participated in the mass protest rallies were demanding into action,” adding that this majority will then judge the government based in 2027, based on its performance.

The prime minister then reviewed the events and actions of the previous two weeks, especially highlighting two ELSTAT reports showing a drop in unemployment to the lowest level in 17 years and a second reporting that Greece had 2.3 % GDP growth in 2024, in contrast to just 0.9% in the Eurozone, as well as an increase in investments and exports.

He highlighted the upgrade of the Greek economy by DBRS, saying it was another strong confirmation that Greece was a reliable financial destination, had gained the markets’ trust and had even greater prospects for growth and investments in the future.

Mitsotakis particularly mentioned government actions for a preventive screening program for cardiovascular disease, as well as action for cheaper housing, subsidised tourism, autism, a new benefits guide and the tenders for fossil fuel exploration. He also pointed out that Greece was classed as a “full democracy” for second consecutive year by the “Economist” and concluded by welcoming the repatriation of a rare example of ancient Athenian pottery from the Glencairn Museum.

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