6.2 C
Πέμπτη, 20 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
EnglishPM Mitsotakis meets with visiting Eurogroup President Donohoe at Maximos Mansion

PM Mitsotakis meets with visiting Eurogroup President Donohoe at Maximos Mansion

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Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis met with visiting Eurogroup President Paschal Donohoe at the Maximos Mansion on Thursday, where he said “it is a good opportunity to discuss the economic issues of Europe and Greece.”

He also expressed that hope that the choice of the new European Commision President will be approved by the European Parliament.

The government, he said, is working hard to fulfill the mandate voters returned in a year ago. The economy is on a good trajectory, growth is forecast to be significantly higher than the eurozone average, and inflation is dropping. “Today we have fairly positive news. It is the first time we are seeing true price drops, particularly in supermarkets, something that concerns us a lot because the issue of the cost of living was very painful, particularly for households struggling to keep up. We are facing new challenges ahead, but I believe that overall we are happy with the progress,” Mitsotakis said.

The Greek PM said he looked forward to discussing the new EU fiscal rules and how they would affect Greece. “One last point: as you now, we are absolutely committed to fiscal stability, which we are effectively implementing the last few years. We are happy to see that this is recognized at European level as well,” he added.


On his part, Donohoe expressed his congratulations for the excellent performance of the Greek economy. He also spoke of National Economy & Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis as “another excellent colleague who has done an excellent job representing the Greek economy and the Greek people in the Eurogroup.” The Greek economy’s performances have become one of the most positive stories in the eurozone, he added.

The Eurogroup president underlined Greece’s success in achieving a primary surplus in the budget, and the deescalation of inflation in the economy. Donohoe said he was very pleased to have the opportunity to discuss the work of the next few years, and thanked Mitsotakis for making a difference in the performance of the European economy.

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