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Παρασκευή, 7 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
EnglishPM Mitsotakis in Cairo Summit for Peace: 'No military intervention can replace...

PM Mitsotakis in Cairo Summit for Peace: ‘No military intervention can replace a viable political solution’

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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis spoke of a particularly serious situation in the Middle East in his address at the Cairo Summit for Peace on Saturday, hosted by Egypt to discuss the impact of the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Mitsotakis pointed out what he called the sound initiative to convene the summit, thanking Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, and adding that “in these critical moments for peace and stability in the region, I am here today as a true friend and neighbor.”

The key message “we need to send today is that we all condemn terrorism in all its forms, and mourn the loss of life and harm to innocent civilians from the violence in Israel and Gaza following the October 7 terror attacks by Hamas”, he said.

“There are innocent victims on both sides,” while “there are civilians being held hostage and there can be no peace talks until they are released,” he stressed. He underlined that Greece’s position was clear from the beginning regarding the fact that Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international and humanitarian law.

Mitsotakis emphasized that collective punishment is prohibited by laws governing wars, and that this legislation is designed to ensure the limits of harm that can be inflicted on people during an active war.

The Greek prime minister also pointed out that Hamas is a terrorist organization that causes losses and inflicts pain to both Israelis and Palestinians, and that it “should not be frustratingly identified with the Palestinian people.”

“The Palestinian people do not deserve this. President Abbas, who represents the Palestinian Authority, has bravely stood against violence since the beginning of the crisis,” he added.

Mitsotakis said there is a risk of serious escalation with broad-ranging consequences, and that “Egypt and Jordan are also concerned about the forcible displacement of Gazans, and our country stands in solidarity, recognizing that an expansion of the conflict would have serious consequences for the future of the region, while the cost in human lives should not be underestimated.”

“Our first thought these days should be with the victims,” he said, reiterating that the hostages must be freed and returned to their families, and the Red Cross should gain access and immediately advance humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, acknowledging the efforts of the UN SecGen and welcoming the opening of a humanitarian corridor from Egypt to Gaza.

The Greek prime minister emphasized that “Greece’s efforts are in harmony with those of its European partners within the EU,” and that “we are ready to contribute to peace initiatives, hoping, as a neighboring country, that de-escalation can be achieved, and that humanitarian aid can be provided to all people.”

“The future we want for this region – the future of sustainable peace, stability and prosperity – can only be achieved through a peace process on a two-states basis,” Mitsotakis underlined.

One thing that should “be clear to all of us is that no military intervention can replace a viable political solution,” stressed the Greek premier.

On the sidelines of the summit, Mitsotakis met with King Abdullah II of Jordan with whom he emphasized the protection of civilians in the Gaza Strip and the need to prevent a humanitarian crisis, said Greek government sources. The meeting was held in a particularly cordial spirit, sources noted, which reflects on rather good bilateral relations. Mitsotakis recognized Jordan’s stabilizing role in the region, it was added.

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