“We are fully satisfied with the results of the EU summit,” Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis stressed on Friday, in a press conference after the conclusion of the special European Council in Brussels.
“It is clear, as reflected in paragraph 20, that if Turkey continues its unilateral belligerent behaviour there will be consequences,” continued Mitsotakis, adding that “in this case, the EU will use all the tools at its disposal to defend its interests. The developments will be monitored and any decisions will be taken by the end of December,” he said.
He noted that paragraph 16 of the summit conclusions state that the exploratory contacts with Turkey are exclusively confined to the issue of delimitating the maritime zones in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean, while adding: “There is also the positive agenda. We would like to have a constructive and good relationship with Turkey, provided that the terms for this are met.”
Referring to Cyprus, he noted that there were clear references to issues concerning Cyprus and a clear condemnation of Turkish aggressiveness.
Mitsotakis noted that it was a difficult negotiation, adding: “The final text is substantially different from the initial one. I believe we arrived at a very good text for Greece, Cyprus, for Europe and for EU-Turkish relations”.
PM Mitsotakis: If Turkey continues its unilateral belligerent behaviour there will be consequences
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