10.9 C
Τρίτη, 4 Μαρτίου, 2025
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕPM Mitsotakis: Greece is Serbia's most stable ally in its European prospect

PM Mitsotakis: Greece is Serbia’s most stable ally in its European prospect

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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in statements on Monday after he meets with the president of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, said that Greece is the most stable ally of Serbia for its European prospect, adding that the talks have gained fresh momentum in Brussels after the decisions taken for other countries. Mitsotakis noted that Belgrade should exploit the favorable circumstance and expressed his satisfaction hearing the Serbian president speaking clearly for his country’s European prospects.

“There can’t be a future for the Western Balkans without a European future for Serbia. Greece’s strategic target is the integration of the Western Balkans in the EU,” Mitsotakis stated.
Moreover, he said that every time he visits Belgrade he feels at home, adding that he sees the progress of the bilateral relations over the years.
“Our eyes are on a future of growth and prosperity and we reaffirmed our decision for further collaboration and that’s why I am here accompanied by four ministers and a broad business delegation,” the Greek premier underlined.
He also pointed out that Greece is interested in the interconnection with Serbia in energy and transport as well as the modernization of the line Thessaloniki-Belgrade and the completion of the Piraeus-Budapest axis, which, as he said, are of strategic importance for Southeastern Europe.

Mitsotakis said that Greece is encouraging the EU’s participation in the development of the Balkans, adding that the bilateral cooperation extends to energy security and supply and that Athens supports the vertical natural gas pipeline from the south to the north via Revythoussa LNG and other terminal stations from Greece to Serbia.
“We produce almost 50 percent of the energy from Renewable Energy Sources and we hope to become an energy export hub. We have the knowhow,” Mitsotakis underlined calling Serbia “by far the largest economy in the Western Balkans” and noting that “the interconnection will benefit both countries.”

“We can make 2024 a year of significant progress for Serbia,” the Greek premier said adding that his was briefed on the dialogue with Pristina, saying that Greece’s steady position is that dialogue is a one-way road for the normalization of the relations between the two sides which would bring stability in the region.

“We are watching with concern the tension of the last months,” Mitsotakis said adding that they also discussed the latest developments in the Middle East, in Ukraine, in the Red Sea, noting we share the same positions with Serbia and always with respect to the international law.



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