Greece is changing year by year and the results of this transformation are already visible in several fields, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Sunday.
“This change is proved by the 45-point plan that I presented at this year’s TIF. It was not a ‘basket’ of allowances and empty promises, but targeted measures that on the one hand transform the economy, increasing its productivity and extroversion, and on the other support many social groups and first of all the younger generation,” the primist minister posted on social media.
More specifically, he said “it is a plan characterized by realism, vision and responsibility, within the financial framework set by the EU, so that we never get into adventures again.”
The Greek premier noted that the economic policy of 2025 includes 12 salary increases and 12 tax reductions, with the most important being the reduction of social security contributions. “Increasing disposable income is also a response to the high cost of living that is testing households,” he explained.
He also referred to the government’s measures for the medical and nursing staff of the National Health System (NHS), and initiatives for family support and accommodation.
PM Mitsotakis: Greece is changing and the results are already visible
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