13.7 C
Κυριακή, 2 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishPM Mitsotakis at Council of Foreign Relations: The use of 'North Macedonia'...

PM Mitsotakis at Council of Foreign Relations: The use of ‘North Macedonia’ name erga omnes is non-negotiable

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The use of the constitutional name of the Republic of North Macedonia erga omnes – for all uses – is fundamental in the Prespa Agreement with the neighboring state and is non-negotiable, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said during a discussion with former ambassador to Greece Daniel Speckhard.

Mitsotakis, who is in the US capital to attend the NATO summit, spoke at the Council of Foreign Relations with Speckhard, president and CEO of Cortus International and ambassador to Athens during 2007-2010.

The problem with the Balkans is that very often the ghost of nationalism rises again when nobody necessarily expects it, the PM said, and he referreds to North Macedonia.

“Today, North Macedonia is a member of NATO because Greece withdrew its veto following the Prespa Agreement that was signed and ratified by the previous government. We have clarified that it is an international treaty that places the country under obligations. We respected it and we respect it. One of the fundamental – if not the most fundamental – doctrines, aspects of this agreement relates to the name ‘North Macedonia’ that is used erga omnes. And this is something that is very clear and non-negotiable for Greece. When I hear that the new government refers to the country as Republic of Macedonia domestically, I have serious concerns. And this is an issue I plan to raise. It is not constructive and it does not help North Macedonia’s European path,” Mitsotakis underlined.

Among other issues he spoke about, the Greek premier said that Greece was aligned with its allies on supporting Ukraine and expressed support to Ukraine from the very start, which was not a given for Greece, a country that had historical, cultural, and religious ties with Russia. There is also no sign, he noted, of Europe’s commitment to Ukraine wavering, despite a problem with one or two EU member states. “Overall, European support was very consistent and strong,” he added.

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