12.9 C
Δευτέρα, 10 Μαρτίου, 2025
ΕΠΙΚΑΙΡΟΤΗΤΑΕΛΛΑΔΑPetsas: Exploratory contacts with Turkey will probably start after EU Summit

Petsas: Exploratory contacts with Turkey will probably start after EU Summit

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“All Greeks know that in our thoughts was always the reduction of taxes and insurance contributions in order to reach a point that a huge burden will leave from the Greeks’ backs and they would be able to create” stated government spokesperson Stelios Petsas on Saturday speaking to SKAI TV.
He said that even if there is no decision yet, all relief scenarios are examined in the context of tax and contributions reductions.
On the early elections’ scenarios, he said that the general elections will be held in 2023 adding that there are no such thoughts in the government.

On the pandemic and the vaccines, Petsas said that it appears that the first shipment will arrive in Greece in early December.

Referring to Ankara’s provocations in Cyprus, Petsas said that what Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan did in Famagusta was exactly what EU told him not to do.
He also said that we see a de-escalation in terms of the provocations in sea and “it would be desirable the exploratory contacts to start in order to resolve this source of tension”. Petsas also said that probably the exploratory contacts with Turkey will start after the EU Summit on 15 and 16 October.

On Golden Dawn’s trial and the sentences to be imposed, he said that former SYRIZA government is responsible as it made changes to the penal code that reduced the sentences and abolished the legislation that would deprive Golden Dawn and its members of their political rights “and this is something that can’t change”, he said.

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