9.6 C
Δευτέρα, 20 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
EnglishMitsotakis: Solution for Cyprus can be found only in the context of...

Mitsotakis: Solution for Cyprus can be found only in the context of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation

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The coordination of Greece and Cyprus’ efforts in view of the informal five-party talks that will take place in Geneva on the Cyprus issue was the main issue discussed at the meeting on Wednesday between Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades.

In a discussion held before their meeting in Athens, the Greek prime minister noted that the context of the discussions that will take place in Geneva is absolutely clear as “it is based on all previous decisions of the [United Nation’s] Security Council.”

“The solution can be found only in the context of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation, a single sovereignty, a single citizenship, a single international representation and, of course, with the withdrawal of the occupying armies, but also the elimination of the anachronistic framework of guarantees,” Mitsotakis underlined.

“It is absolutely clear that we must be able to determine in these difficult discussions what is the starting point from which we begin. That is why today, as we did in Cyprus, we will be given the opportunity to coordinate our actions in view of these demanding discussions, to which we always come with a good will to find a solution that will be fair, functional and viable and will benefit all Cypriots, both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.”

The foreign ministers of Greece and Cyprus were also taking part in the meeting at the Maximos Mansion.


Anastasiades: Our efforts are focused on finding a way for both communities to feel safe

On his part President Anastasiades said: “We are not trying to usurp anyone’s rights. Our effort is to find a way for both communities [on the island of Cyprus] to feel safe and for the human rights of both communities to be guaranteed.”

Anastasiades described as important “the effort made by the UN Secretary General after 3.5 years to convene the conference to look into the issue in order to have a dialogue and solve the problem”. He also agreed that “the framework to be negotiated is determined by the UN resolutions, the decisions of the UN Security Council, as well as the principles and values of the European Union, and were last set out in the efforts to resume the 2019 dialogue in Berlin in the presence of the UN Secretary General and Mr. Akinci.”

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