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Κυριακή, 23 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
EnglishLeonardo obtains Gender Equality Certification

Leonardo obtains Gender Equality Certification

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Obtaining the UNI/PdR125:2022 Certification for Gender Equality, conferred by RINA, confirms the validity of Leonardo’s strategy for the promotion and protection of diversity and equal opportunities. This commitment is also internationally validated by the inclusion for the third consecutive year in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) 2023.

This recognition is the result of a rigorous process of in-depth analysis and evaluation of Leonardo’s initiatives in the areas of culture and strategy, governance, training and growth opportunities, pay equity, parental protection, work-life balance, and communication.

During the audit phase, specific qualitative and quantitative KPIs (key performance indicators) were analysed and evaluated, recognising the effectiveness of the company’s Gender Equality Management System, which has fully integrated the Gender Equality Strategic Plan into the Sustainability Plan. As Antonio Liotti, Chief People & Organisation Officer of the Group, underlines, “The contribution and skills of our colleagues are key factors for the innovation and success of our business: for this reason, valorising them is an essential commitment for us. We want to create a workplace in which all people can fully express their potential. To this end, we have established the role of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager, who guarantees respect for diversity as a distinctive component of our corporate culture, and a Steering Committee, which also includes our CEO and General Manager and our Co-General Manager.”

“To confirm our commitment, defined by the Group’s sustainability objectives and aimed at enhancing the female contribution in the company in terms of employment and presence in leadership positions,” adds Raffaella Luglini, Chief Sustainability Officer of Leonardo, “we have integrated the Gender Equality Strategic Plan within the 2024-2028 Sustainability Plan, which in turn is part of Leonardo’s Industrial and Strategic Plan, developing projects that aim to strengthen a culture of equity, inclusion, and respect for diversity. Rigorous metrics, digital tools, and a data-driven approach will allow us to measure the effectiveness of the actions taken, with a view to continuous improvement.”

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