9.3 C
Σάββατο, 18 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
EnglishLargest container ship in the world, 'OOCL Piraeus', arrives at PCT's heaquarters...

Largest container ship in the world, ‘OOCL Piraeus’, arrives at PCT’s heaquarters in Perama

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We are proud that one of the largest container transport ships in the world carries the name of the largest Greek port, Piraeus, and will carry its glorious name to the world,” Piraeus Container Terminal (PCT) CEO Zhang Anming said on Monday, on the arrival of the newly built ship “OOCL Piraeus” at the Container Terminal in the Neo Ikonio, Perama section of the port.

Zhang Anming noted the respect Greek and Chinese peoples had for each other for their ancient cultures despite their geographic distance, and said, “With the Maritime Silk Road, especially after the founding of PCT at the Port of Piraeus, another passage of friendship opened between the Chinese and the Greek people. The Container Terminal is a new gate for Greece to the world, with the name of Piraeus.”

The PCT official underlined that total investments in Piraeus the last few years reached 600 million euros, while the annual freight capacity has shot up from 1.6 million to 6.2 million TEUs for PCT and to 7.2 million TEUs for the port of Piraeus. “This boom has placed the Piraeus Container Terminal at the top of Mediterranean ports and among the 4 most important maritime trade hubs in Europe,” he pointed out. In addition, for the years 2023 and 2024 PCT planned additional investments of 43 million euros, while another, nearly 20-million-euro investment by Piraeus Port Authority is pending authorities’ approval.

Ship specs

The OOCL Piraeus has a transport capacity of 24,188 TEUs and will be visiting Piraeus at regular intervals, especially since it will be carrying out OOCL’s LL3 service between Asia and Europe.

Its length is 399.99 meters and width 61.30 meters (24 rows) and it has a deadweight of 215,000 tons. It is equipped with a scrubber, while it is fueled by a main engine of the WinGD 12×92 series, which can develop a power of 61,000 KW for a speed of about 22.5 knots.

These ships incorporate state-of-the-art systems and technology, as well as advanced designs that allow greater economy in energy.

OOCL Piraeus will be on a rotation of the following ports over an 84-day round trip: Shanghai, Xiamen, Nansha, Hong Kong, Yantian, Cai Mep, Singapore, Piraeus, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Zeebrugge, Valencia, Piraeus, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, and Shangai.


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