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Δευτέρα, 3 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishIntracom Defense: Share Capital Increase from IAI, Michalis Tsamaz new Chairman of...

Intracom Defense: Share Capital Increase from IAI, Michalis Tsamaz new Chairman of the Board

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With Mr. Michalis Tsamaz, a distinguished executive in the field of high-tech businesses, as Chairman and a 20% increase in its share capital, Intracom Defense (IDE) is advancing its transition into the new era of the defense industry. Following its acquisition by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) in June 2023 and with the objective of further strengthening its dynamic development path, the General Assembly of January 20, 2025, approved the new Board of Directors of IDE, which is composed of high caliber and experienced executives in the market.

Welcoming the Chairman and the members of the new Board of Directors, the CEO Mr. George Troullinos stated: “It is with great pleasure to welcome Mr. Michalis Tsamaz and the new members of the Board of Directors to the IDE family, who I firmly believe will contribute significantly to our effort for technological development and excellence”, while he described IDE’s vision: “IDE has managed to grow in Greece and abroad thanks to its consistency, innovation and extroversion. The new geopolitical data create significant opportunities for further development, in the field of Defense and Space, which IDE is targeting. With the increase in the company’s Share Capital and the expansion of the Board of Directors with new distinguished members with significant experience and skills, the company will achieve its high goals”.

Mr. Michalis Tsamaz emphasized that: “I take on the role of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Intracom Defense with a sense of responsibility and commitment to contribute to the further development of Greek defense technology. Intracom Defense has already charted an excellent course, thanks to its capable executives, brilliant scientists and its dedication to innovation and cutting-edge technologies under the leadership and vision of the capable and exceptional CEO, Mr. George Troullinos”.

Mr. Tsamaz continued stating the dynamic goals of the new era: “Our goal is to continue to pioneer, while strengthening both the technological development of our country and its defense capabilities. For me, it is a national duty to ensure that a Greek defense technology company remains at the forefront of innovation, contributing to the formation of a strong and self-sufficient defense ecosystem of our homeland.”

The composition of the new Board of Directors of IDE is as follows:

  1. Michalis Tsamaz – Chairman of the Board (non-executive Member)
  2. Georgios Troullinos – CEO (executive Member)
  3. Stavros Banos (non-executive Member)
  4. Avraam Moses (non-executive Member)
  5. Angeliki Petropoulou (executive Member)

It should be noted that in addition to Mr. Tsamaz, the new composition includes two more new members: Vice Admiral (retd) Mr. Stavros Banos, honorary director of the National Operations Center of the General Staff of National Defense, as well as Mr. Avraam-Minos Moses, an experienced senior executive in the financial sector and consulting services.

IAI proceeded with an increase in IDE’s share capital to develop and strengthen the company’s technological capabilities and infrastructure in the Defence and Space sectors and support Greece’s economy and defense capabilities.

Since 1992, IDE has been continuously investing in cutting-edge technologies, with the design, development and production of innovative defense systems. Due to its high staff level and technological infrastructure, leading foreign companies such as RAYTHEON, DIEHL, BOEING, RHEINMETALL and KMW have trusted it.

Since 2023, IDE has tripled the number of its new contracts for future projects, having demonstrated remarkable adherence to its commitments – both in terms of time and quality – towards its domestic and international clients, while in 2025, it will increase its high-level human resources by 25%, meaning that over 100 new jobs will be created.

About IDE

INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) is a Defense Systems Company in Greece, with an outstanding record of participation in domestic programs and exports to quality-driven international customers.

IDE utilizes advanced R&D and manufacturing capabilities, large-scale project management know-how and high-end technologies to design and develop advanced products in the areas of Missile Electronics, Tactical IP Communications, C4I Systems, Surveillance, Hybrid Electric Power Systems, and Unmanned Systems. The Company retains its international recognition through the long-standing participation in European and NATO new technology development programs, while in parallel supports the domestic defense industry through outsourcing to other qualified Hellenic companies.

Focusing on the human factor and characterized by its extroversion, reliability and quality, IDE is a key player in the high technology sector of the Hellenic Defense Industry.

For more information, please visit: www.intracomdefense.com

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