9.3 C
Τρίτη, 25 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
EnglishIDE continues with significant participation in NATO's ESSM program

IDE continues with significant participation in NATO’s ESSM program

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Athens, Greece, February 24th, 2025: INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) announces a new contract award by the US Company Raytheon, which amounts to $ 39.95 million, for the manufacturing of key electronic components for the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) Block 2 Project.

The scope includes the production of electronic units for the guidance section of the missile and will support the needs of the Program over the next three years.

The ESSM missile is the result of a multinational government-to-government agreement for the development and production, implemented with defense industries’ cooperation of NATO member-nations.

IDE is a valuable partner of the multinational industrial consortium since 1995, when selected by the Program prime contractor-Raytheon, under competitive terms for the design, development, and production of electronic systems of the missile, and continues until today to design and produce demanding electronic units for the Block 2 version of the ESSM missile.

This award reconfirms NATO and Raytheon’s trust in IDE’s technical capabilities, quality standards and competitiveness in successfully supporting the navies of NATO consortium member states around the world.

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