8 C
Τετάρτη, 5 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕGrowth of Piraeus port an example of flourishing collaboration, Chinese ambassador says

Growth of Piraeus port an example of flourishing collaboration, Chinese ambassador says

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Greece and China’s collaboration has grown through the Piraeus port and green energy projects, cultural programs, and synergies between several Chinese provinces and cities, People’s Republic of China Ambassador to Athens Xiao Junzheng said during a press briefing on the 10th anniversary of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

The Chinese ambassador provided a briefing on the Belt and Road Initiative’s achievements over the past decade, and the projects it has engendered. He also referred to the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation being held in China on October 17-18, which Development Minister Kostas Skrekas is attending on behalf of the Greek government.

Citing aspects of the collaboration specifically with Greece, Ambassador Xiao said that the port of Piraeus is the largest multipurpose port in the Mediterranean and the fourth-largest multipurpose port in Europe. It is one of the fastest-growing container ports in the world, creating over 3,000 direct and 10,000 indirect jobs in local communities, contributing directly over 1.4 billion euros to the local economy, and boosting Greece’s GDP by 0.8%. In addition, its cruise industry and the line connecting the port to Europe has become a major channel for China-Europe trade, reducing transportation times by at least 7-10 days, he noted.

Among other Chinese investments in Greece, Xiao also cited China Energy Investment’s wind farm project in Thrace and the start of the first phase of the State Grid’s Interconnection Project on Crete, which reduced approximately 100,000 tons of carbon emissions annually by ending diesel- and oil-based power generation on the island.

The future of Greece-China cultural exchanges is also very bright, the Chinese ambassador said. He referred to the establishment of the Center of Greek and Chinese Ancient Civilizations at the University of Athens in February 2023, the fourth Confucius Institute inaugurated at the University of West Attica, and the cooperation agreement signed between the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Academy of Athens, among other initiatives.

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