Soldiers fire at targets to zero their rifles during the zeroing phase of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 4, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries will compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)
Συνολικά 36 στρατιωτικές ομάδες από 18 χώρες-μέλη ΝΑΤΟ και συνεργαζόμενες, συναγωνίστηκαν στο κέντρο εκπαίδευσης Hohenfels στην Γερμανία, για το φετινό διαγωνισμό European Best Sniper. Η διαδικασία κράτησε 8 μέρες και οργανώνεται από τη Διοίκηση Εκπαίδευσης της 7ης Αμερικανικής Στρατιάς. Οι ομάδες διαγωνίστηκαν σε:
Εκτέλεση βολών με τυφέκια ελεύθερου σκοπευτή κατά σταθερών και κινητών στόχων, ημέρα και νύχτα, σε γνωστές και άγνωστες αποστάσεις και σε συνδυασμό με σενάρια αυξημένης πολυπλοκότητας και δυσκολίας,
Εκτέλεση βολών με πιστόλι από διαφορετικές θέσεις και υπό ρεαλιστικές συνθήκες,
Αθέατη προσέγγιση του στόχου και εκτέλεση βολής άνευ εντοπισμού της θέσης των Ελεύθερων Σκοπευτών από τον αντίπαλο και
Τοπογραφία προσανατολισμού και τήρησης κατευθύνσεως με πλήρη εξοπλισμό.
Μια από τις δύο ελληνικές ομάδες -στελέχη τoυ ΕΤΑ- πρώτευσε (2η η Λετονία, 3η η Ιταλία) ενώ η επόμενη ελληνική (από Ζ’ ΜΑΚ) ήρθε 4η, σε μια πολύ εντυπωσιακή παρουσία συνολικά. Συγχαρητήρια σε όλους για μια μεγάλη διάκριση!
Soldiers from various countries competed in the “Mogadishu” section of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 8, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe over eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Christian Carrillo)
Soldiers from various countries competed in the “Mogadishu” section of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 8, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Christian Carrillo)Soldiers from various countries competed in the “Mogadishu” section of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 8, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Christian Carrillo)Soldiers from various countries competed in the “Mogadishu” section of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 8, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)Soldiers from various countries competed in the “Mogadishu” section of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 8, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Christian Carrillo)
Soldiers from various countries competed in the “Mogadishu” section of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 8, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)Soldiers from various countries competed in the “Mogadishu” section of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 8, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Christian Carrillo)Soldiers from various countries competed in the “Mogadishu” section of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 8, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)
Soldiers from various countries competed in the “Mogadishu” section of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 8, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)Soldiers from various countries competed in the “Mogadishu” section of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 8, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)
Soldiers fire at targets to zero their rifles during the zeroing phase of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 4, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries will compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)Soldiers fire at targets to zero their rifles during the zeroing phase of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 4, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries will compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)
Soldiers fire at targets to zero their rifles during the zeroing phase of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 4, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries will compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)Soldiers fire at targets to zero their rifles during the zeroing phase of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 4, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries will compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)
Soldiers fire at targets to zero their rifles during the zeroing phase of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 4, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries will compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)Soldiers fire at targets to zero their rifles during the zeroing phase of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 4, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries will compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)
Soldiers fire at targets to zero their rifles during the zeroing phase of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 4, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries will compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)Soldiers fire at targets to zero their rifles during the zeroing phase of the 2022 European Best Sniper Competition in the Hohenfels Training Area, Germany, August 4, 2022. 36 sniper teams from 18 Allied and partner countries will compete head-to-head for the title of Best Sniper Team in Europe across eight days. (U.S. Army photo by Spc Christian Carrillo)
Τα άρθρα που δημοσιεύονται στο εκφράζουν τους συντάκτες τους κι όχι απαραίτητα τον ιστότοπο. Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση χωρίς γραπτή έγκριση. Σε αντίθετη περίπτωση θα λαμβάνονται νομικά μέτρα. Ο ιστότοπος διατηρεί το δικαίωμα ελέγχου των σχολίων, τα οποία εκφράζουν μόνο το συγγραφέα τους.
Έχοντας το "ελεύθερο" από τον Πρόεδρο Τραμπ (μέχρι αποδείξεως του εναντίου βέβαια), ο Ιλον Μασκ τώρα ετοιμάζεται να επέμβει και στην αμερικανική άμυνα και...
Tου Βασίλη Νέδου, από την ΚαθημερινήΤο πρόγραμμα της προμήθειας 20 αεροσκαφών πέμπτης γενιάς F-35 αποτελεί το πλέον κεντρικό στοιχείο των εξοπλιστικών που σχεδιάζει για τα...
Στη μεγάλη και αμφίρροπη μάχη για την άρση της πολιορκίας της Ακρόπολης των Αθηνών το 1827, οι Τούρκοι επιτίθενται εναντίον του οχυρωμένου στρατοπέδου των...
Πάνω από 53 δισεκατομμύρια δολάρια χρειάζονται για την ανασυγκρότηση και την ανοικοδόμηση της Λωρίδας της Γάζας, που έχει ισοπεδωθεί έπειτα από περισσότερο από έναν...
Tου Βασίλη Νέδου, από την ΚαθημερινήΤο πρόγραμμα της προμήθειας 20 αεροσκαφών πέμπτης γενιάς F-35 αποτελεί το πλέον κεντρικό στοιχείο των εξοπλιστικών που σχεδιάζει για τα...
Στο σημερινό, τρίτο, επεισόδιο, για τα μεγάλα θέματα του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού, η συζήτηση με τον Αντιναύαρχο ε.α. Δημήτριο Καβουλάκο ΠΝ, επικεντρώνεται γύρω από τις...