14.2 C
Τρίτη, 11 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishGreek Parliament speaker meets with chief diplomats of Arab countries in Athens

Greek Parliament speaker meets with chief diplomats of Arab countries in Athens

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Greek Parliament President Constantine Tassoulas expressed Greece’s concern over developments in the Middle East at a meeting on Friday with ambassadors and attaches of Arab states who are stationed in Athens.

“Greece is concerned about a possible spread of the war in the region. In addition, increased migration flows to the European Union is among possible repercussions of the crisis,” Tassoulas noted. He added that Greece recognizes the right of Israel to self-defense, and called for the release of hostages by Hamas. “Greece, insisting on the principles of International Law, condemns the terrorist attack by Hamas against civilians. Greece stands against every form of terrorism and the use of violence against civilians,” the Parliament speaker said.

Tassoulas also welcomed the opening of a humanitarian corridor to Gaza through Egypt and said it is crucial to restart negotiations for a peaceful resolution in the Middle East that involves two separate states, based on International Law and UN resolutions.

The Arab countries’ representatives focused on the need for an immediate ceasefire and expressed their strong concern over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The international community should pressure Israel into stopping attacks, which will lead to a greater conflict involving the entire region, they added, while they expressed support for the two-state solution.

Egyptian Ambassador to Athens, Omar Amer Youssef, led the delegation, which included the following diplomats:

– Ambassador Saad Bin Abdelrahman Alammar (Saudi Arabia)
– Ambassador Mahieddine Djeffal (Algeria)
– Ambassador Mansour Alolaimi (Kuwait)
– Ambassador Yussef Dorkhom (Palestinian Authority)
– Ambassador Zuhair Ensour (Jordan)
– Ambassador Ghady Elkhoury (Lebanon)
– Chargée d’affaires Eiman Al Zeyoudi (United Arab Emirates)
– Chargé d’affaires Hamed Al Marwani (Qatar)
– Chargé d’affaires Abu Elgasim Ali (Sudan)
– Chargé d’affaires Wissem Klai (Tunisia)
– Chargé d’affaires Khalil Khalil (Libya)
– Chargée d’affaires Altemimy Umalbaneen (Iraq)
– Chargé d’affaires Hassane Alaoui Mostefi (Morocco)

(File photo)


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