6.8 C
Παρασκευή, 21 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
EnglishGerapetritis: My vision for a peaceful neighborhood as Foreign Minister

Gerapetritis: My vision for a peaceful neighborhood as Foreign Minister

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Minister of Foreign Affairs George Gerapetritis, speaking at the 9th Economic Forum of Delphi, emphasized the relations with Turkey, stressing that “we are not so naive or complacent to believe that we can solve the problems that have been existing for decades overnight.”
Gerapetritis emphasized the importance of keeping communication channels open and “being able to have peace in our region.”
Speaking with journalist Niki Lyberaki, he emphasized that he wants to leave a legacy of a peaceful neighborhood that will benefit Greece and its citizens.

Regarding the meeting between Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Gerapetritis commented that they are leaders of two neighboring countries who should discuss the emerging issues and engage in an open and sincere dialogue.

He emphasized that “the EEZ and the continental shelf are the only difference, which can be referred to as international jurisdiction, and that is the end of the road.”

Regarding the issue of Fredi Beleri, he reiterated that it is not a bilateral issue but a European one. He emphasized that Greece’s basic position regarding the European perspective of both Albania and the Western Balkans as a whole is not waived; however, “respect for fundamentals, that is, the Rule of Law, Democracy, and minority rights, is a treaty that cannot be compromised.”
Commenting on the Prespa Agreement and the accompanying protocols, he said that “what we must do is monitor the faithful implementation of the Prespa Agreement.”

Regarding Ukraine, Gerapetritis stressed that what is needed is unanimous support from the West. He emphasized that universal solidarity is required against those defending international law.

When asked if Trump is re-elected as President of the United States, Gerapetritis commented that “Democracy will speak.” For relations with the United States, he stressed that “they are very deep, very substantive, governed by rules and principles, and I want to believe that they will continue.”

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