14.1 C
Παρασκευή, 22 Νοεμβρίου, 2024
EnglishGerapetritis: Italian vessel's research completed as originally planned, within Greek territorial waters...

Gerapetritis: Italian vessel’s research completed as originally planned, within Greek territorial waters and EEZ

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The research of the Italian ship was completed based on the original plan and took place not only in Greek territorial waters, but also in the international waters of the Greek Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), underlined Minister of Foreign Affairs George Gerapetritis, in an interview with the “Real FM” radio station referring to the Kassos island incident.

As he explained, Greece has to develop a project that has been approved by the European Union, the Greece-Cyprus electricity interconnection. The project includes a research stage and then the laying of the cable. The research required a plan on the part of the Italian ship and the project contractors.

“Türkiye considers that it has sovereign rights in the wider region of the Eastern Mediterranean on the basis of the Turkish-Libyan memorandum, which Turkish-Libyan memorandum (the four-year-old Turkish-Libyan memorandum) is invalid and legally non-existent. It does not produce legal results, but Türkiye itself considers it to be the basis of its policy,” the minister pointed out.

As he explained, Türkiye considers that it has rights and wanted to send the message that in this field no research can be carried out on the part of Greece and Cyprus.

“We are adamant about this. We have stated that the research will continue and be completed. And that’s exactly what happened. I want to remind you that in similar cases in the past we had come to the brink of war. There was a very great tension, a crisis which led the two fleets to find themselves, in their entirety, in the waters of the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean”, he underlined.
As he said, this time, within 24 hours there was complete decompression, “the vessels they were monitoring never came close, there was no danger of a hot incident and at the end of the day the research was completed”.

“Not only is this not a yielding attitude, but it is the exact opposite. The beneficial effect was absolutely produced, which was done according to the original design of the contractor company. And in addition we made our statement that this is our EEZ”.

The Foreign Minister reiterated that Greece is in a position of strength and this period is a historic window of opportunity to solve our chronic problems.

As he explained, “the Kassos incident, which was resolved immediately due to the existence of the political channels of communication between Greece and Türkiye, without causing a crisis, would never have happened if we had demarcated the maritime zones, i.e. the continental shelf and the EEZ”.

Today, as he said, “we are at a stage which is satisfactory with Türkiye , because out of the thousand illegal overflights, violations of the Greek airspace, we have reached zero. Because at this moment we can ease the tensions so that no crises are produced and the risk of a hot episode and war is not produced. Because right now we are managing immigration in a beneficial way. Because thanks to cooperation, they can and do break the circuits of illegal trafficking”.

“Greece is never going to withdraw from any stage of its sovereignty, which we do not discuss,” he noted.

Referring to the Cyprus issue, he pointed out that for a long time there was absolute stillness and inactivity. In the last year, in full agreement with the Republic of Cyprus, there has been an attempt to upgrade it to the agenda of the UN and the agenda of the EU.

“Both happened. In June 2023, a provision was included in the conclusions of the European Council, according to which the EU will be involved in all stages of the Cyprus solution. And of course the UN, through the secretary general, prioritised the Cyprus issue. He appointed a personal envoy to Cyprus and at the moment has a very clear position that the Cyprus issue is moving,” the Greek FM said

He noted that the aim is to restart discussions between the two sides on the basis of the UN resolutions on the bizonal bicommunal federation.

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