10.1 C
Δευτέρα, 3 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishGeneral agreement at Mitsotakis, al-Sisi meeting, with coinciding views on Turkish provocation

General agreement at Mitsotakis, al-Sisi meeting, with coinciding views on Turkish provocation

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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who met on the sidelines of the 8th Cyprus-Greece-Egypt Summit, on Wednesday agreed that the signing and ratification of the historic agreement on the demarcation of the Greece-Egypt EEZ brings multiple benefits.

The two leaders expressed their satisfaction and underlined the multiple benefits for bilateral relations, both political and economic, but also for the stability and prosperity of the wider region. Mitsotakis then briefed the Egyptian President about the latest developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and escalating Turkish provocations. They also agreed on Turkey’s growing belligerence and the need to respect international law.

The common understanding on achieving a political solution in Libya, based on the decisions of the UN Security Council and the Berlin Process, was also confirmed. There was also a consensus on Turkey’s destabilising role in Libya. Greece reaffirmed its desire to make a constructive contribution to shaping the next day in Libya.

“It is my great pleasure to meet for the first time since the very important signing of the agreement on the partial demarcation of the maritime zones, for which we both worked hard, and it is such an important step to further deepen the relations between the two countries. The agreements have been ratified by both parliaments and we are just waiting for the formal protocol from the United Nations. I want to thank you again for the way in which you and your partners worked together to achieve this very important agreement. This is how the neighbouring countries should resolve their differences, through dialogue, with mutual concessions whenever necessary, in order to reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial, and I want to believe that it is a model agreement on how other issues can be resolved in the Eastern Mediterranean,” Mitsotakis said.

On his part, the Egyptian President noted: “I want to emphasise our willingness and intention to further develop our relations, either bilaterally or on a trilateral level, and of course the eighth trilateral summit reflects this desire of both sides. Today’s relations are in fact an extension of the long-standing historical relations between Egypt and Greece and I agree with you that our cooperation must have an even greater impetus for the development of relations in various fields. Your Excellency, I agree with you that the partial demarcation of maritime zones is, in fact, a reflection of mutual understanding; it also reflects respect for the provisions and institutions of international law, which acts in the benefit of all parties.”

The ratification of this agreement by the parliaments actually reflects the success of the agreement itself but also the expectations from this agreement. We hope that all issues will be addressed within the framework of international law and the institutions of international law. This stresses the importance of cooperation, which aims towards stability, growth and progress. Egypt, Cyprus and Greece have always been inspired by a spirit of cooperation, which is why we always say that relations between us are historical and timeless. But now we look forward to more and greater development of these relations. And always together.”

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