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Τρίτη, 18 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
EnglishFM Gerapetritis: We will move forward step by step with Turkiye

FM Gerapetritis: We will move forward step by step with Turkiye

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Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis, in an interview with the newspaper “Ta Nea”, stressed the importance of the Athens Declaration signed by Greece and Turkiye during the recent High-Level Cooperation Council.

“The Declaration of Athens is a text of high symbolism and substance. It reflects the firm political will at the highest level to deepen our bilateral relations, define the principles and milestones of our dialogue, and confirm our friendship. With explicit reference to the Charter of the United Nations and the recognized principles of international law,”

Gerapetritis underlined. “One hundred years after the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne and 93 years after the Venizelos-Inonou Greek-Turkish Friendship Treaty, with the Declaration of Athens, a text that does not formally produce legal commitments, a decisive step is sought to be taken to deal with historical burdens of the past.”

Depicting the current level of Greek-Turkish relations, he said that Greece is discussing with Turkiye on a new basis. “We have managed to improve mutual understanding and establish the necessary interpersonal relationships. This new understanding covers various areas of cooperation and is reflected in agreements, memoranda, and joint statements. And the Declaration of Athens on Friendship and Good Neighborliness between us constitutes the culmination of this new, mutually beneficial, chapter in our bilateral relations,” he explained.

In this context, Gerapetritis underlined that the two governments would continue their cooperation in the new year at the levels of political dialogue, positive agenda, and confidence-building measures.

Αsked on the next steps, he said: “When the conditions are ripe, the next step may be to discuss the delimitation of the continental shelf and Exclusive Economic Zone in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean, the only dispute that could be brought before international jurisdiction. We will move forward step by step. We are not afraid of the difficulties, but we want to operate wisely,” the Minister of Foreign Affairs underlined.

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