10.1 C
Κυριακή, 29 Δεκεμβρίου, 2024
EnglishFM Gerapetritis speaks at high-level meeting of the UN Human Rights Council

FM Gerapetritis speaks at high-level meeting of the UN Human Rights Council

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Greece’s candidacies as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (2025-26) and as a member of the Human Rights Council (2028-2030) will focus on close collaboration with all countries and UN mechanisms to safeguard human rights, Greek Foreign Affairs Minister George Gerapatritis said at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) meeting in Geneva on Wednesday.

Speaking at the High-level Meeting of the UNHRC’s 55th Session, Gerapetritis said that “world leaders must identify and set in place mechanisms effectively to implement rights protected by International Law and, primarily, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. No one should be able to escape without being held accountable for actions violating globally acknowledged rights.”

“There is no room for delays. Yesterday was lost, tomorrow may be too late,” he said in his speech in Geneva.

In statements following the meeting, Gerapetritis stressed that “in times of great challenges for human rights, Greece is present in the international debate that is taking place on their protection.” In this context, the Foreign Minister stressed that at the moment the major issues require the active presence of the international community.

“It is Greece’s obligation, the obligation of the international community, to protect all vulnerable categories of citizens, to take care of the rights of future generations, to be able to create conditions of sustainability, to ensure human freedom, equality, and human value,” he added.
While in Geneva, Gerapatritis also met with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, with whom they had an extensive discussion on current developments.

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