16.1 C
Πέμπτη, 30 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
EnglishFM Gerapetritis meets Lithuanian counterpart Budrys

FM Gerapetritis meets Lithuanian counterpart Budrys

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Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis, in a statement in Vilnius after his meeting with his Lithuanian counterpart Kęstutis Budrys, expressed Greece’s solidarity with the countries of the Baltic Sea following the damage caused to the submarine data cable, which affected critical infrastructure. He also stressed that no interference should be tolerated, adding, “ We will be in full solidarity in this regard. The resilience and security of our infrastructure must be a top European priority.”

Gerapetritis highlighted the importance of unity among European countries and the development of common policies to safeguard not only their security but also the security and prosperity of Europe.

On Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he stressed that Greece condemned it from the beginning and that it firmly supports the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine.

On the Middle East issue, he welcomed the ceasefire agreement and expressed the hope that there would be a long-lasting agreement to achieve stability in the region and in the whole world.

Referring to the migration issue, he said that due to geography, Greece and the Baltic States are coordinated on this issue and have suffered significant violations in terms of migration and hybrid threats through instrumentalisation.

At the same time, he noted that strengthening European security is of paramount importance. “We must also promote the European Union’s crucial strategic autonomy, as well as deepen the ties between the European Union and NATO and strengthen our cooperation within the Alliance,” Gerapetritis stressed.

He added that there was also an agreement with his Lithuanian counterpart to further expand bilateral relations in critical policies such as defence. He also expressed the willingness for further cooperation in the framework of the Three Seas Initiative, which foresees the implementation of important interconnectivity projects in the energy, transport, and data sectors.

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