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Τρίτη, 4 Μαρτίου, 2025
EnglishFM Gerapetritis: ‘Greece’s goal is precisely to serve as a bridge between...

FM Gerapetritis: ‘Greece’s goal is precisely to serve as a bridge between North-South and East-West’

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Greece’s goal as a European nation at the crossroads of three continents is precisely to serve as a bridge between North-South and East-West,” noted Foreign Minister George Gerapatritis after his meeting on Thursday with Brazilian Foreign Secretary Mauro Vieira. This statement came in reference to Greece’s election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period 2025-2026.

“ To this end, with the priorities we have set, we seek to highlight the major issues facing the planet, such as respect for International Law and the principles and rules of the United Nations Charter, the peaceful resolution of disputes, the protection of children in armed conflicts, the protection and assurance of substantive equality for women, and maritime security,” said Gerapetriris during joint statements with his Brazilian counterpart.

Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira described his discussion with Gerapatritis as constructive, covering both the bilateral agenda and global events of common interest, such as the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine and the outcomes of the European elections.

Vieira also mentioned the agreement signed with Culture Minister Lina Mendoni on mutual cooperation on cultural issues. He highlighted the robust trade relations between the two countries, reaching half a billion euros annually, and the 60,000 Brazilian tourists who visited Greece last year, noting the potential for further growth.

Additionally, Vieira congratulated Greece on its election to the UN Security Council, emphasizing, “We are building on Greece’s measurable and principled voice on issues of international peace and security.”

He also stressed the urgent need for a ceasefire in Gaza and the facilitation of necessary humanitarian aid to the region.

The entire speech by George Gerapatritis:

I warmly welcome to Athens the honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Mr. Mauro Vieira.

Your visit today, your first to Greece in your capacity as Minister of Foreign Affairs, complements and strengthens our mutual goal for a more intense connection between our governments and our peoples.

The deep-rooted friendship between us has been built on solid foundations, on the values of respect for International Law, the Law of the Sea, democracy, rule of law and human rights.

Athens recognizes Brazil’s increasingly significant global role. During our meeting, we discussed a number of regional and international issues pertaining to global governance, the emerging poles of the global system (such as the Global South, BRICS & G20), and the future of the UN with respect to the decision-making process, which constitutes one of Brazil’s priorities.
The priorities set by Brazil, holding the G20 Presidency until the end of this year, namely addressing climate change, sustainable development, and the reform of global governance institutions, constitute the epitome of a strategic and cohesive international policy, which our country fully endorses.

As you are aware, a few days ago, our country was elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2025-2026 term. I take this opportunity to especially thank Brazil for supporting Greece’s candidacy for this election.

Our country’s goal, as a European nation at the crossroads of three continents, is precisely to serve as a bridge between North-South and East-West.

To this end, with the priorities we have set, we seek to highlight the major issues facing the planet, such as respect for International Law and the principles and rules of the United Nations Charter, the peaceful resolution of disputes, the protection of children in armed conflicts, the protection and assurance of substantive equality for women, and maritime security. What we need is a shared vision of universal solidarity and intergenerational sustainability, to be realized through a rules-based governance and fair burden-sharing among nations.

Our friend, Brazil’s experience on the Security Council for the 2022-2023 term, is valuable to us. We count on our cooperation and on transferring the expertise you have gained, in light of our upcoming participation.

At this point, allow me to make a special remark on the thorny issue of climate change, which we discussed during our one-on-one meeting.

We are deeply concerned about the current environmental and climate situation, the protection of our forests and seas, and the preservation of the Amazon as the “lung of the Earth”.

We are profoundly saddened by the recent deadly floods in Brazil and the wildfires currently devastating your country, which are just one manifestation of the problem. On behalf of the Greek Government, I express our unwavering support and solidarity.

However, the problem is never limited to a certain geographic area. The climate crisis exacerbates the living standards of people everywhere and threatens food security, endangering stability and social cohesion across the planet.

With the esteemed Minister, we discussed current international and regional challenges.

We exchanged views on the two major ongoing wars in our neighborhood: the war in Ukraine and the war in Gaza.

Particularly on the tragedy unfolding in Gaza, Greece has taken a clear principled stance in favour of an immediate cessation of hostilities, the unconditional release of hostages, and the unhindered flow of humanitarian aid, so that the situation can be immediately restored in the wider region.

We agree with Brazil that war can never be the solution.

My counterpart and I also discussed the benefits of regional integration. Greece is willing to offer the expertise gained from its membership in the EU. Our country certainly supports the strengthening of dialogue between the EU and MERCOSUR.
During our discussions with the Minister, we agreed on the exceptionally high level of our bilateral relations.
We also agreed that there is still room for improvement at all levels.

Allow me to highlight, as an example, our agreement to work harder so that we intensify our political dialogue and strengthen our economic and trade cooperation, particularly in the areas of tourism and Foreign Direct Investments.

And indeed, there is no better bridge between our peoples than the Greek Diaspora in Brazil, an active community where each member is an ambassador of our homeland and culture.

Regarding culture, it is a great joy and honor for our country that today a Cultural Cooperation Agreement is being signed between the Hellenic Republic and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil, aimed at promoting cultural exchanges and enhancing our cultural ties.

Honorable Minister, dear Mauro,

I would like to welcome you once again. Minister Vieira is one of the most important personalities, with excellent knowledge of world politics and significant influence on global developments.

I wish prosperity and peace to you and Brazil, which undertakes the burden of representing the Global South.

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