14.4 C
Κυριακή, 16 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025
EnglishFM Gerapetritis: Greece has neither recognized nor will recognize Turkish claims

FM Gerapetritis: Greece has neither recognized nor will recognize Turkish claims

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Minister of Foreign Affairs George Gerapetritis, in a statement to the newspaper “Parapolitika”, pointed out that the events that occurred in the southeastern Aegean on Monday, July 22, during a maritime site-survey operation of laying an underwater power cable between Crete and Cyprus, have led to a race of inaccuracies in public discourse.

“The Italian vessel had scheduled to conduct this survey, inter alia, within the Greek Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), as delimited between Greece and Egypt. Türkiye claims rights in the same maritime area, based on the legally null and void Turkish-Libyan memorandum. For this reason, Turkish warships sailed in the broader area”, stressed Gerapetritis and added “At no stage did the risk occur of a “hot incident” taking place, due to the simultaneous presence of Greek and Turkish forces. Communication channels that have been established to defuse tensions between the two countries operated effectively, and the research vessel carried on its survey in less than 36 hours, as planned. This survey in international waters within the Greek EEZ lasted approximately 5 hours”.

“Neither country has deviated from its respective fundamental positions, nor could such a deviation be reasonably anticipated. Indeed, as is explicitly stipulated in the Athens Declaration, their respective legal positions remain unaffected. Greece has neither recognized nor will it recognize the Turkish claims in any way, taking all necessary action with regards to them, as provided for by International Law. In this context, however, it is of great value to have direct communication that prevents tensions from escalating into real crises, as has occurred on several occasions in the past, with a tremendous risk to peace. And certainly, this case highlights the importance of proceeding with discussions for the complete delimitation of the continental shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone. Guided by the International Law of the Sea, our goal is long-lasting and sustainable peace. Today in particular, as Greece enjoys significant power at all levels,” Gerapetritis said.

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